Golf Lessons

Putting Analysis

In early 2008, I established a state of the art Putting Studio, installing SAM PuttLab analysis equipment that is the leading system for in depth putting analysis. Only a handful of centres in England boast the same standard of system, which is used by numerous tour professionals and elite golfers alike, although the average golfer will get just as much from the facility as well.

For the average golfer, 43% of their golf shots are played with the putter and so the ability to truly improve this area of the game can have a huge impact on a golfer’s scores.

This system allows me to analyse a multitude of different parameters of the putting stroke, including putter face aim, path, rotation, timing and the ability to hit the sweet spot.


This means, like never before, the golfer can now receive more specific coaching and develop a practice strategy that will hit the areas of their putting stroke that are weakest and ultimately help them to hole more putts. I am the only coach with this standard of system in Surrey and South West London and am now dedicated to utilising it to help all golfers achieve the ultimate improvement, Lower Scores!

Each initial session lasts 60 minutes and combines video analysis with the Sam Puttlab analysis. This means that I can find out any negative characteristics of the putting stroke and then link that to the video of the golfer to find out in acute detail, what improvements are needed to guarantee a more successful putting stroke. I then begin to make the initial changes whilst monitoring the progress on the analysis software to ensure any improvements are having the desired effect. On completion, each golfer receives a summary of the Sam Puttlab findings and a personalised plan of improvement and practice via email. A follow up analysis session would normally be booked after a period of practice of around 3-4 weeks.

For tips on improving your putting, please see our advice pages.


Golf Clinic

‘I am thoroughly enjoying my
lessons and am achieving
beyond my expectations.
John’s coaching has always
been very clear and easy
to follow.
A measure of success is
the dramatic improvement
in my technique and capability.
I would rate John Skinner
at the highest level of
It is difficult to suggest
areas for improvement’

                Steve Dixie – Surrey



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